
Midas Scheffers

Programmer/ Artist/ Enjoyer


I am a programmer with many different skills built up throughout my career in the coderclass. A program at my highschool where from the beginning I got five hours of computer science lessons every week. I build skills in design of games and websites, many different programming languages, working for a client and agile project development.
On this page you can find some of the projects I am proud of, some of which are old and show how I developed, but I still am proud of all of them.

Dutch computer science olympiad

NIO For this project I participated in the Dutch computer science olympiad or NIO. A competition where one has to solve computer science related problems to gather points in the competition and only the few with the most points advance to the next round. At this moment I got through the first and second round. The third round still needs to take place so more information will follow.

May 2022


I had some time so I decided to make chess, I dont think it works now but click here to check or to play on this site.

March 2021

Quantum quest

Qbit I participated in the quantum quest, a lesson series from the UvA which is all about quantum bits and how they work. I worked in a team from my school with Mattia and Douwe. I learned a lot from this course. I know the basics of quantum computing and programming. Me and my team did so well on the exercises of the course we got a book about quantum computing :).

Januray 2021

Ai learns to drive

ai_learns_to_drive For the last half a year I worked on an ai that wil learn to drive a track, It uses Nueral Evolution to train the cars. more info can be found here.

Januray 2020


Hi there I'm working on a new project Boids. This is a floking simulation I got the idea after watching a youtube video and have just made a new github repo where you can check it out for your self. here you can find the original video by Sebastian Lague. and here you can find my project

August 27th 2019

Neural Net

I have recently started working on a neural network for my self. This is for me to learn how neural networks work. It is still very basic and can't learn but if you have the right data you could (with a little refactoring of the code, because at this point it can only create a random neural net, I have chosen this because I want the net to learn) have it working. Keep in mind that I will expand this project over time and that it might take me a lot of it to develop this into something useful. Anyway here is the source code. It is written in python. you can get python here and you don't need any libraries.

March 9th 2019

Dungeon Crawler

This is a little dungeon crawler game where you move by typing commands like
w, move up
a, move left
s, move down
d, move right
"Item" means that you can type in the name of an item in that spot of the command
there are 3 Items in the current state of the game V1.0
healing potion, gives you 20 health back
sword, you can use it to deal damage to monsters
and the key
source code here
!! you do need to have python installed, you can download it here

March 9th 2019


ok I made an evolution simulation, a lot of balls are flying through the screen trying to eat fruit(the little green dots). The ball's get randomly generated with random properties (such as size). If a ball eats enough foot it can reproduce, its ofspring has a chance of mutating. If a ball doesn't eat in a long time it dies

!! you need python, pygame and numpy to be instaled on your computer!!

here is a link to instalation websites: python, pygame, numpy

click here to download the simulation

Space invaders extream

credits to codemaker4 on github

ok In this game your goal is to survive. shoot enemies to get more score. to regain life you have to not get damiged for a short period of time. have fun!!

click here to go to game

Avoid the balls

ok This is a game where you as player have to aviod al the balls. smaller balls do less damige then big ones. if your life is lower then 0 you die

click here to play game


pepper Well, I went to Japan and it was amazing. I went there for a robot competition because I won another prize earlier in the year. The trip to Japan was great although I didn't like the food in the airplane. When we arrived in Tokyo we went to the house. The next day we went exploring the neighborhood. The next 3 days we went to the workshop to learn how to program pepper (A humanoid robot). Then the time came we had to show our skills on stage for the jury. We didn't end up in a good spot though. At least not in the top three. The last two days we went to the biggest arcade in the world and to a cool mauntain. That was my time in Tokyo.

want to see more click here

or want to read more in depth click here